Ausbale is a group of building industry professionals, researchers, owner builders, and interested people who share our knowledge and experiences.

This website is a place to ask questions, find answers, seek inspiration, share photos, articles, advice and contribute to the growing movement towards better, smarter, ecologically sustainable, non-toxic and beautiful buildings.

Contact members in your state with any queries - refer to the Find a Professional directory, or contact us.

We are still creating our new website so some information is currently missing. Please visit again soon to find more valuable straw building resources. Until then, please contact us if you need information you can’t find here.

Bush Fire Report Press Release 26/6/2020



Hi All,

We have just released a media release to promote straw bale building to a wider audience.  This one is promoting the use of straw bale buildings in bush fire areas. Please feel free to share and if you are following the link from the release welcome.


Scott Goldie


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                          Contact: Scott Goldie           

                                                                                                Phone: 0425 317 071

                                                                                                E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


AUSBALE Releases Fire Testing for Strawbale Walls

Facilitating the Approval Process for a Superior Building Style


Homeowners Affected by Fires Offered Free Assistance Toward Rebuild


To assist homeowners to rebuild with fire protection and sustainability in mind, AUSBALE (Australian Strawbale Building Association) a not-for-profit, community-driven organisation, is offering free membership to fire-effected families and businesses. Membership provides access to a multitude of resources, most significantly the Strawbale Construction Guide and Fire Testing Report.


While counterintuitive, Strawbale construction has proven itself in real-world and laboratory testing situations to withstand extreme fire situations far greater than many common construction techniques. AUSBALE has been working for years to provide testing and documentation to meet Australian Standard for building codes. The recently released fire testing report provides the documentation needed for approval to a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) of Flame Zone (FZ) and a Fire Resistance Level (FRL) of 90/90/90. It is hoped that this documentation will help smooth the approval process for those choosing to build a strawbale home.


While building with straw sounds counterintuitive to a fire-resistant building, one need only to imagine the difficulty in setting alight a book as oppose to a piece of paper. Now imagine that book covered in a layer of rock. A modern strawbale home uses tightly compressed strawbales covered in a 35-50mm lime-based render. This method of building results in a carbon positive wall system that is super-insulated (approx. R-8), fire resistant and beautiful; however, it is still not mainstream in Australia. AUSBALE is trying to change that by making information and resources more readily available.


AUSBALE’S president, Scott Goldie recognises that, “this is a crucial time for those looking to rebuild after the fires, we want to make sure that they have better options for rebuilding using natural materials- namely strawbales. This fire report helps strawbale buildings to be recognised within the building industry and is one of many tools we provide to support those wanting to build a more sustainable, resilient home.” The most recent addition of Owner Builder magazine includes a 56-page section devoted entirely to strawbale construction Case studies and amazing photos found here:


AUSBALE(est.2002) is a group of building industry professionals, researchers, owner builders, and interested citizens who share their knowledge and experience of strawbale building.